Saturday, February 21, 2009

Earring Week Wrap Up - Using What You Have

Ah, the final day of my "Earring Week" series.

I hope I have given you all some food for thought and a bit of inspiration.

I guess the biggest theme I want you to take away from this last week of posts is to "use what you have".

New, old, left over, stuff that isn't specifically made for jewelry, etc... just play and find ways to combine components that you have. The worth of the finished piece doesn't come from expensive or rare is from YOU and your spirit.

The earrings above are a good example of using what you have.
A few left over beads dangling on a large jump ring...unified by the same color.
Hanging from sterling silver ear wires to finish the look.

Inexpensive, wearable and most definitely "gift-able"!

1 comment:

KimberlyRies said...

Those are very unique! I like them and like the idea of using what you have.